Privacy Policy

Update Date: 11/15/2021, Version 1.0

Quallent Pharmaceuticals Health is committed to ensuring your privacy is protected. This Data Protection Notice (“DPN”) sets out details of the personal data that we may collect from you and how we may use that information. Please take your time to read this DPN carefully.

By providing your personal data to us, you acknowledge that we may use it in the ways set out in this DPN. We may provide you with further notices highlighting certain uses we wish to make of your personal data. We may also give you the ability to opt-in or opt-out of selected uses, such as marketing, when we collect your personal data.

From time to time we may need to make changes to this DPN, for example, as a result of government regulation, new technologies, or other developments in data protection laws or privacy generally. If we change this DPN, we will notify you of the changes. Where changes to the DPN will have a fundamental impact on the nature of our processing of your personal data, or otherwise have a substantial impact on you, we will give you sufficient advance notice so that you have the opportunity to exercise your rights in relation to your personal data.

Who We Are

In this DPN references to "we" or "us" refers to Quallent Pharmaceuticals Health, acting as the controller of your personal data. Quallent Pharmaceuticals Health has its registered office at 20 Genesis close, George Town, Grand Cayman, KY1-1208, Cayman Islands, P.O. Box 31910. As the controller we are responsible for complying with data protection laws. This DPN describes what personal data we may collect from you, why we use your personal data, and more generally the practices we maintain and ways in which we use your personal data. If you have any questions about how we collect, store or use your personal data, you may contact our data protection officer using the details set out in the “Contacting Us” section below.

Who do we collect information about?

We collect personal data from individuals who communicate with us through our “contact us” email address.

What personal data do we collect and when?

We collect information about you when you communicate with us by email through our “contact us” address. What we collect depends entirely on what you provide us. For example, by communicating with us through our “contact us” address, we would collect your email address and whatever other identifiers you provide via the email.

What are the purposes for which your personal data is used?

We use your personal data to respond to your questions, provide you information about the services we offer, and facilitate reporting for our pharmacovigilance obligations regarding adverse events. To facilitate reporting for our pharmacovigilance obligations, email messages sent to will be routed to a third party vendor who assists with this process.

What are the purposes for which your personal data is used?

The personal data contained in your email will be transferred for processing/shared with and/or accessed by Quallent Pharmaceuticals Health partners, including the pharmacovigilance vendor listed above, who are located in other countries, and therefore may be subject to data protection laws of those jurisdictions. The countries to which we may transfer your personal data may not be regarded by the Office of the Ombudsman as ensuring an adequate level of protection for personal data (for instance the United States and Canada). By communicating with us through the “contact us” address, you consent to the transfer of the personal data provided to us to such Quallent Pharmaceuticals Health employees.

Depending on your location and the compliance requirements that may apply there you may receive additional privacy notices from us.

How we protect your information

We use a range of physical, legal, organisational and technical security measures which are consistent with applicable data protection laws to protect your information. Firewalls are used to block unauthorised traffic to the servers and the actual servers are located in a secure location which can only be accessed by authorised personnel and our internal procedures cover the storage, access and disclosure of your information.

Contacting us

If you have any questions about how we collect, store or use your personal data, or if you would like to submit a request with respect to your data, you may contact us in writing at the address below.


Updates to this DPN

We may update this DPN from time to time to ensure that it remains accurate. If we change this DPN, we will notify you of the changes. Where changes to the DPN will have a fundamental impact on the nature of our processing of your personal data, or otherwise have a substantial impact on you, we will give you sufficient advance notice so that you have the opportunity to exercise your rights in relation to your personal data.